Under ordinary circumstances, Catholics are obligated to attend Mass on Sundays. But as we are well aware by now, the past ten months have not been ordinary, and since last March our bishop has leveraged his legitimate authority to suspend this obligation, giving Catholics the freedom not to attend.
The Saints were undoubtedly incredible people who lived lives of virtue and full of zeal for Christ. But how do you tell someone about all of these great stories without making them sound unreal or unattainable? That is the goal of the Dead Friend Saints podcast, created by Claire Ellendson. Nick Vance recently sat down with Claire to talk about her show and the saints.
"Looking to the sacred cave of Bethlehem, what have we seen? Not a disparate collection of mere “seekers,” but rather a human ecclesia, a unity-in-diversity, a community formed in joy, peace, and hope, and all at the intersection of human wisdom and divine revelation."
The Twin Cities-based theater has been telling redemptive stories of faith, hope, and reconciliation since 2011. Founders Jeremy and Sarah Stanbary sat down recently with MSP Catholic to share their story of starting and running OWT.